Weekly Planner Free Printable

Helping Your Kids Stay Organized with a Free Printable Weekly Planner

As a mom, I know how important it is to keep our little ones on track with their daily activities. Recently, I made a weekly planner for my daughter to help her visualize our schedule and become more aware of the days and what we’llbe doing. I hung it on our fridge, and it’s been a game-changer for us!

After sharing it on my Instagram Stories, I was overwhelmed by how many of you were interested in getting one for your own kids. I’m so excited to share this with you all as a free printable!

What’s Included:

  • Weekly Planner (Two Versions): Choose between two different color options to fit your style! This simple, easy-to-use template helps you and your child plan out the week’s activities.
  • Activity Tracker: Fun and colorful illustrations of common activities like school, sports, and outings. These can be cut out and added to the planner, making it more visual and engaging for your little one.

How to Use It:

  1. Print It Out: Choose the version of the weekly planner that suits you best. You can either laminate it for reuse with dry-erase markers or simply print four copies to cover the entire month.
  2. Customize Your Planner: Print and cut out the activity tracker squares, then stick them onto your weekly planner according to your schedule. This makes it easy for your child to see what’s planned for each day.
  3. Hang It Up: Place the planner somewhere your child can easily see, like the fridge or their bedroom door.
  4. Get Them Involved: Let your child help fill in the planner with the activities for the week. It’s a fun way for them to feel more involved and learn about planning their days.

This planner has been a wonderful tool for helping my daughter understand our weekly routine. It’s also a great way to teach her about the days of the week and the importance of being organized, even in a fun, low-pressure way.

Download Your Free Printable Here:

I hope this helps make your week a little smoother! Feel free to share how you’re using it with your kids—I’d love to see your planners in action!

Happy planning!

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